How to Fall Back in Love with Yourself: Embracing Self-Love Beyond Valentine's Day

Roses Self Love I Love You

Valentine’s Day is over. The heart-shaped chocolates are 50% off, the rose petals are wilting, and the social media lovefests have quieted down. But here’s the real question: Are you showing yourself the same love and devotion you might shower on a partner? If your self-love journey has been feeling a little lacklustre, it's time for a revival, one that lasts well beyond a single day on the calendar.

Why Self-Love is More Than Just a Trend

Self-love isn’t just about spa days, bubble baths, and treating yourself to overpriced lattes (though, let’s be real, those things do help). It’s about embracing who you are flaws, quirks, and all, without needing external validation. Without self-love, we often start to seek approval from others (I know I have in the past!), burning out to please everyone, or letting our inner critic run the show like an overzealous talent judge on Britain’s Got Talent.

A healthy self-love journey helps you set boundaries, make better choices, and walk through life with a sense of confidence that screams, “I know my worth, and I’m not on clearance.”

Practical Ways to Nurture Your Self-Love Journey

1. Rewrite the Script in Your Head

Would you talk to your best friend the way you talk to yourself? No, because she’d slap you! (Well, maybe not slap, but at least correct you!)  It is time to change the narrative. Instead of saying, “Ugh, I’m so bad at this,” reframe this to something like “I’m learning, and that’s okay.” Self-compassion is a game-changer.

2. Date Yourself (Yes, really!)

Who says you need a plus-one to enjoy a fancy dinner, a movie, or a weekend getaway? Take yourself out on a solo date—dress up, go somewhere new, and remind yourself that your own company is worth celebrating. During my healing journey, I started to do this.  At first, it was a little odd, but after a few dates, I began to enjoy my own company and even went on a spa day by myself!

3. Ditch the Comparison Game

Social media has made it so easy to compare your life to someone else’s highlight reel. One of my coaching friends makes me laugh as she calls this comparisonitis! Remember, nobody posts their laundry pile, bad hair days, or existential crises. Unfollow accounts that make you feel “less than” and curate your feed with things that uplift and inspire you.

4. Set Boundaries Like a Boss

Self-love isn’t just about treating yourself. Self-love is also about protecting yourself. If certain people, situations, or commitments drain you, it is okay to say no. Your energy is precious, so spend it wisely.

5. Celebrate Your Wins (Even the Small Ones!)

Did you get out of bed on a tough day? Win. Cook yourself a proper meal instead of just inhaling biscuits? Another win. Acknowledging your achievements, no matter how small, reinforces self-worth. How about starting a “win journal” and documenting those moments? You’ll be surprised how much you accomplish.

6. Practice Daily Acts of Self-Kindness

Sometimes, self-love is as simple as going to bed earlier, drinking enough water, or stretching in the morning. Small acts of care accumulate into a meaningful impact over time.

7. Surround Yourself with Love-Fuelled People

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with……so choose wisely! Hang out with people who uplift, support, and appreciate you. Energy is infectious; ensure you are absorbing the right kind.

Falling in Love with Yourself is a Lifelong Affair

Your self-love journey is ongoing. This journey is not a one-and-done deal. It requires consistency, patience, and a bit of humour when you catch yourself slipping into old habits. But trust me, the more you nurture that relationship with yourself, the more your life transforms.

So, go on, romance yourself a little. Because the longest relationship you’ll ever have is the one with YOU………and you deserve all the love in the world.


Grab my free Self-Love guide, which includes the above tips for quick reference – Falling Back in Love with Yourself Beyond Valentine's Day!


Interested in joining my Self Love Challenge starting on the 1st of March 2025? Click here to join the Self Love Challenge Facebook Group

See you in the Self Love Challenge

Best wishes

Romaine x


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